Saturday, April 9, 2011


On the outside looking in, never knew what it meant until now.
Is life ever going to be anything but a constant series of disappointment, sadness, depression with suicidal thoughts and probably less than a percentage of happiness thrown in there somewhere?
Are phrases like: "There is a silver lining to every dark cloud", "Patience is a virtue", "Good things come to those who wait", etc, supposed to make one feel better and give them hope of a better tomorrow? If so, I'm still waiting... and have been from as long as I can remember.

Are we so dependent on humans of the opposite, or in some cases the same sex? Dependent on them for our happiness, dependent on them to make us feel better about ourselves, dependent on them as if they are the very elixir of one's existence. Why do we give so much importance to people, giving them so much power that they land up being an addiction, a very very bad addiction at that? How thin is the line between feelings of love and feelings of addiction and dependency?

When did we become such junkies? Too addicted that we lose the ability to see what's staring us in the face, to think, feel and thrive on anything but the bittersweet pain.