Monday, June 23, 2008

F.R.I.E.N.D.S.. boy, do we love them like crazy!

Oh my goodness!!! It is so hard to believe that the F.R.I.E.N.D.S sitcom is actually over!!!
One question: Whyyyyyyy????????? 10yrs of entertaining, riotous, incredible, sidesplitting, remarkable and poignant episodes make us mull over questions like : "Are there friends like those in the sitcom, in the world?", " Will my friends and myself have the exact friendship like them?" so on and so forth. But the unfortunate truth is:(drum-roll please...) Nope...
there can never be another 'gang of friends' like them. Ok, maybe in another time in another planet in another age there 'could' be. You never know, life is wierd. And their coffee shop- Central Perk. Wish there was actually a place like that in the real world!


But seriously, you feel you can totally relate to them and after 10yrs of constant viewing of F.R.I.E.N.D.S, you feel that you're a part of their exclusive group. Funny, isn't it? yeah it sure is. I mean it's like you relate yourself to one these characters or crush on one of them and consider him/her as your "ideal person", you start to visualize your "spouse" to be like one of them. Ha ha! There is not a single character that we don't like or hate... Everyone of them have their style, their attitude, their individuality and their followers.I love Ross and Phoebe. Ross with his boldness and brashness, his reponsibility towards his baby sister, whom he doesn't need to protect at all, his ever-lasting love for Rachael that would never fade no matter whom he marries and how many kids he has. Phoebe being kinky and an airhead is totally adorable and with Joey, makes an awesome couple, sadly they never fall in love. But Mike seems to be an awesome match for her. Her fairy-tale snowy winter wedding makes her the most beautiful Snow White ever, with her ultra cute Prince Charming.(Plus, I remind one of my friends of Phoebe, I wonder how?!)Approximately 99.6% of the world mourned over the closure of the never ending sitcom.I used to dislike F.R.I.E.N.D.S but after watching the 10th season first, I fell completely in love with the sitcom and oooo yeah I was sad that this is it... this is the end... no more F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Talk about heart break. I'm sure when the sitcom ended, most F.R.I.E.N.D.S fanatics felt an enormous part of them die inside, felt a feeling of incompletion and emptiness overtake them. And I'm sure the feeling will constantly arise when thinking of F.R.I.E.N.D.S or when the word "F.R.I.E.N.D.S" is mentioned or when watching reruns...Yeah, I'm sure most of the F.R.I.E.N.D.S "worshippers" would intently watch reruns and memorize every single word of every character.... Talk about fanaticism. i don't think any other sitcoms has ever had this kind of response,ever.Sadly, there are people who actualy HATE F.R.I.E.N.D.S. I know, I know, it is pretty difficult to digest this information, but they are entitled to their own individualistic opinions. But those of you, who haven't watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S, are seriously missing out on something great. Maybe one day, when we are old and gray, F.R.I.E.N.D.S might become "the all American sitcom" or part of the American culture. Who knows? Maybe we will get over the obsession, maybe we won't. Weirder things have happened.Hmmmm... so which character do you like/love/dream about or relate yourself to and why?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The hard fact of human nature...

Why are people two-faced??? I mean they behave one way in front of you and another behind you... I've seen maannnnyyy like that.. In my own class... You ought to look at how "friends" b***h behind each others' back... and the most funniest part is, I look at all this, and laugh.. wondering... what is the reason to back bite??? One comes and tells me one thing about one person and that person tells me another thing about someone else, I laugh.. Yes, at one point of time, when I was in school I used to enjoy doing things like this.. but now.. I find it completely immature and moronic... But it hurts when the people whom you consider friends do that and in front consider you their best friend, but naturally you tend to ignore that you know what they said and you too behave normally...
I'm sure you must be thinking that I'm talking about girls.... well actually I'm taling about guys too.. ooooo yeah, they are waaaayyyy worse than girls... believe me they are way worse when it comes to talking behind backs... experience speaks... yup... beware of guys more than girls...
Yeah yeah... how can guys do things like that? believe it, it happens... Not everyone, because they have better work to do, but yeah the rest of them?! Crappy!!! They are more attracted to girls who ignore them and treat them like crap than to girls who treat them like human friends....
Mean right...? well thats the way most people are... SSSSSSIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!
I'm talking about most guys not all..........................

Saturday, June 14, 2008

To believe guys when they say "I love you... "or not?

How do I know if the guy is true when he tells me he likes me? How do I know that he's not playing...? What if he's true in the starting but towards the end lands up playing with my heart?
What if he really does love me? too many questions but there is just one answer: take a chance.
There's this girl I know A, who completely loves this guy B, B says he loves A sooo much and all is fine in the starting of their relationship, but things start going downhill for them and A starts becoming too nagging and B starts looking at other gals and having "wierd" thoughts about other girls and crushes as well... A comes to know and.. naturally gets heartbroken... They break up for about a month and B returns to A pleading her to give him another chance.. Now I told A to chuck B outta your life because no guy in this world can ever change... They can only be changed when they are in their diapers, for 4-5 months B chases A and does things to get her trust back and finally A goes back to him, she says she loves him and feels he has changed.. During the time of their break-up , B's friends all go against him and bad mouth him to A... why?? He considered them friends... but they betrayed him. Since A loved B so much, she decided to stick by him. 2months have passed but A keeps having doubts that B cannot be trusted though she has started trusting him, adding fuel to fire, another of B's friend bad mouths him to her and they have a huge fight... B swears nothing's happened but A is very confused...
What I think is that A should either give B up completely and move on or learn to trust him in spite of everything they have gone through in the past...
What do you think both of them should do???
Which brings me back to my main question :Is he serious about her or not...???
Guys!!!!! Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Back breaking... sigh...!!!

My first job here in NJ... sigh... talk about tiring... talk about aches and pains... talk about messing up orders... oooh yeah I successfully passed them all... but atleast now I know how strict and orderly the Americans are... oh yeah and how completely and unhibitedly hygenic...
Now that's nice for a change, hygene I mean... the way the people wanted their eggs just right, or their bagels and sandwiches just right... and one tiny mishape and omg! the food has to be redone!!! I kept looking at the clock on the wall, time on my wrist watch and wondering how slow time goes... gosh!!! When you want time to go fast, boy does it go slow.. and when you want it to go slow, it literally runs the Olympics race!!! But it was a major relief to finish up and relax at home...
Just looking at the arrays of bagels and meats and sauces, sandwiches and salads made my mouth water... and of course I just had to try that out... a garlic bagel with tuna salad and crisp bacon, with salami on the top and lots of onions and mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup... mmmm and what does it spell? D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!!! My co-worker looked at me like I had lost my head !!! But I didn't care I had to try it out ( I don't think my boss will allow me to eat like that again.. hehehehe!!! Like I care!) This was just the second best part of the job...
The first best part came at the end before I left..... Yup! My pay....!!! Just looking at those dollars made my day and made the slogging worth it(to some extent!)...
Feels good to earn your own cash, doesn't it???

Monday, June 9, 2008

Being an adult

The most difficult thing in this world is to be an adult... the responsibilities, the faith people have on you... you're loved ones counting on you, depending on you... decisions to make... wondering whether what you're doing is right or wrong... whether it'll affect your life and in what way... being alone in this scary world... knowing that you need to look after certain people...

Oh my goodness!!! It's a very scary thought, isn't it??? To be out there alone, to be away from your family and that shelter... to come out of that cocoon and face the scary world...
It's very simple to stay at home and think about how lovely and rosy everything will be once you're on your own.. .But how many people have actually done it, standing on their two feet with lots of struggle and pit falls??? Not many.. Most are scared... Me included, very very scared... But I'm on my own now and CANNOT go back... even if I wanted??? Too many people are counting on me.. but I just want to run back to my shelter and let mummy and papa shoo away all the monsters... But I can't do that , can I ? Nope... I'm away and alone, yes I've got help but I've to go my own way one day... work, work and work and one day get married, have a family and then watch my kids grow up and go their own way and feel what my parents are feeling right now!!! Life is wierd but beautiful at the same time!!!

What is a Best Friend?

A friend is someone whom you count on to be there for you, whom you can lean on, count on, oh yeah and fight with alot.... I love doing that...
If that's a friend then what is a BEST FRIEND???
Ok, now i'm confused... Where is the line drawn at between being a friend and a best friend???
And then what is a boyfriend for??? When you do everything with your friend or boyfriend, what is the other for??? What's the difference between a best friend and a very good friend??? Then again why do people backbite behind their good friends and in front pretend to be so sweet and caring???
I'm confused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by the way, that's my very very very good friend Anusha and me...:D:D:D

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Are Indians hypocrites???

With all due regard to every Indian, being an Indian myself I mean no harm to you by raising this issue. I apologize if I sound crude and rude.
Why do Indians criticize the United States of America???Why do Indians cut down America??? Why are Indians hypocritic towards Americans but then again jump at the first chance to run away to America??? Buy American goods???
Why stay in America and condemn the Americans and their lifestyle ???
Come on.. I'm sure most of you would love to visit America ... atleast once....But then why condemn America??? Why claim the American Indians as your own(example: Nora Jones, Kalpana Chawala, Sunitha Williams,Bobby Jindal, etc)??? Why are we prejudiced against America but would love to live here???
As everybody would have seen or read, one tiny issue or mistake caused by any foreigner towards our India is taken to a new level, various heights and blown out of proportion, raised as a new controversy. Example: Ricky Ponting and the BCCI issue, our own Indian, Sania Mirza and the Indian flag issue,((I mean come on..... why are we expecting too much out of a 21yr. old girl??? No wonder she never wants to play in India again. ))
But Indians living in America criticize the American culture, remarking it to be vulgar,etc. Every culture is different, no two cultures are alike... criticize the American ways and criticize America in general. I've seen it happen and I'm certainly not proud of the way that Indians behave and react on the slightest provocation without reason. But Americans don't react... Americans don't give two hoots to such trivial issues... So why should we???
Living in America, I am ashamed to notice my fellow Indians behave this way...
Is it because we are jealous??? or is it because we have a certain(unnecessary) inferiority complex??? This just brings me back to my original querry: ARE INDIANS HYPOCRITES???

Independency or foolishness???

I seriously considered that leaving home and starting a "new life" meant freedom, relief from nagging parent(s), independency, etc. but the most important factors never entered my mind.

Fear, lonliness, sense of responsibilities and maturity takes over the mind immediately.

From the time I could understand what exactly was happening in my life, what I needed and wanted from life,I had one main aim(apart from wanting a fairy-tale life)- to leave the country and go back to my homeland- the United States of America. The only thing that made my leaving easy was my nationality...yes, like everybody else I had to struggle to leave.

By the way, does anybody believe in angels and miracles??? I do!!! Believe me I do!!!

when the going gets tough, somewhere, somehow there's help.

The most happiest girl in the world I was to see the plane ticket to New Jersey!!!!!

Boy! The minute I stepped off the plane and my feet touched JFK, I felt freedom and happiness that I'm back in my homeland... But then everything started sinking in... and... what I felt was a huge space of emptiness in my heart and soul... I kept thinking, " am I doing the right thing?", "will I be able to make it big on my own", "what do I do now???"
The first thing I did was call up the person who was the "solver" in my life, my mom,
she gave me courage and reminded me what was inside of me-strength, maturity, courage and boldness. Just a week has passed by from the time I reached New Jersey...
Yes, the fear gets to me alot, I'm still scared.. but you know what??? I'm strong, I can make it big... Love all you people who have beliefs in me!!! mmmmmmmmmuuuuuuuaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!