Sunday, June 8, 2008

Independency or foolishness???

I seriously considered that leaving home and starting a "new life" meant freedom, relief from nagging parent(s), independency, etc. but the most important factors never entered my mind.

Fear, lonliness, sense of responsibilities and maturity takes over the mind immediately.

From the time I could understand what exactly was happening in my life, what I needed and wanted from life,I had one main aim(apart from wanting a fairy-tale life)- to leave the country and go back to my homeland- the United States of America. The only thing that made my leaving easy was my nationality...yes, like everybody else I had to struggle to leave.

By the way, does anybody believe in angels and miracles??? I do!!! Believe me I do!!!

when the going gets tough, somewhere, somehow there's help.

The most happiest girl in the world I was to see the plane ticket to New Jersey!!!!!

Boy! The minute I stepped off the plane and my feet touched JFK, I felt freedom and happiness that I'm back in my homeland... But then everything started sinking in... and... what I felt was a huge space of emptiness in my heart and soul... I kept thinking, " am I doing the right thing?", "will I be able to make it big on my own", "what do I do now???"
The first thing I did was call up the person who was the "solver" in my life, my mom,
she gave me courage and reminded me what was inside of me-strength, maturity, courage and boldness. Just a week has passed by from the time I reached New Jersey...
Yes, the fear gets to me alot, I'm still scared.. but you know what??? I'm strong, I can make it big... Love all you people who have beliefs in me!!! mmmmmmmmmuuuuuuuaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!


Anonymous said...

Das d Saar I kno
Don worry abt d fear...
It won last 4long
N its totally normal 2b afraid...
But jus make sure it doesnt pull u down...
U went dere 4a purpose... N am sure u kno wt u want n how 2get it!

Unknown said...

Hey sarah, i dont know whether i wud be able to admit the fear inside me.... U did.... n believe me, a person who does that actually understands wat he (his life) is going through.... n anyone who tries to analyze it, sure does find the solution..... Am sure u ll, n u have all the support from us.... 24/7.... Hey one last thing (out of track), u sure can write good books..... y dont u start doin it.....