Sunday, June 8, 2008

Are Indians hypocrites???

With all due regard to every Indian, being an Indian myself I mean no harm to you by raising this issue. I apologize if I sound crude and rude.
Why do Indians criticize the United States of America???Why do Indians cut down America??? Why are Indians hypocritic towards Americans but then again jump at the first chance to run away to America??? Buy American goods???
Why stay in America and condemn the Americans and their lifestyle ???
Come on.. I'm sure most of you would love to visit America ... atleast once....But then why condemn America??? Why claim the American Indians as your own(example: Nora Jones, Kalpana Chawala, Sunitha Williams,Bobby Jindal, etc)??? Why are we prejudiced against America but would love to live here???
As everybody would have seen or read, one tiny issue or mistake caused by any foreigner towards our India is taken to a new level, various heights and blown out of proportion, raised as a new controversy. Example: Ricky Ponting and the BCCI issue, our own Indian, Sania Mirza and the Indian flag issue,((I mean come on..... why are we expecting too much out of a 21yr. old girl??? No wonder she never wants to play in India again. ))
But Indians living in America criticize the American culture, remarking it to be vulgar,etc. Every culture is different, no two cultures are alike... criticize the American ways and criticize America in general. I've seen it happen and I'm certainly not proud of the way that Indians behave and react on the slightest provocation without reason. But Americans don't react... Americans don't give two hoots to such trivial issues... So why should we???
Living in America, I am ashamed to notice my fellow Indians behave this way...
Is it because we are jealous??? or is it because we have a certain(unnecessary) inferiority complex??? This just brings me back to my original querry: ARE INDIANS HYPOCRITES???


Srikanth... Lonely shadow said...

i wont conclude that Indians are hypocrites... u will find ur ans in my upcoming blog...

bt yeah i agree with u... nt always i do... bt for 1ce... mayb nt on the hypocrite thing... bt yeah i agree :)

Unknown said...

hey dint i do an assignment on this! never mind tho! seriously tho, one theory cud be that indians are just jealous of anybody american cos of wat they do and wat they get!

anyway indians are highly discriminatory towards their own ppl! u kno that!

seriously though i think its mostly north indians who are hypocrites mebbe i'm just biased myself who knows!

Anonymous said...

Grass always seems green on d other side...
But mayb d Indians u saw feel dt their grass luks dull cos of d lushy lukin American grass...
Its al in d mindset...
O man... am doin al big talks... ha ha!