Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Finally I'm done reading one of them syrupy-soppy love novels from Mill& Boon [after skimming through three-fourth of the book]! Same old story line: The beautiful flawless-complexioned leading lady has a bad first relationship with some loser- The tall and hunky, Greek bodied Adonis is not even remotely interested in any sort of a serious relationship as he is a very much commitment phobic womanizer- They kick it off getting under each others' skin but there is always this underlying chemistry that the leading lady tries to "rationalize" with herself to ignore it, even though Adonis seemed to make her feel otherwise- The Greek bodied Adonis pursues her after eliciting a tiny reaction from his leading lady- She finally gives in to just one night of pure physical intimacy- Lands up falling in love with him in that one night- Feels he's not ever going to give her love a chance- She decides to leave him- He "convinces" himself he doesn't need her but then realizes he loves her and travels half way across the planet in search of his true love- He finds her and professes his undying love and devotion to her- And they all live happily ever after..... Same story in almost every single book! But the sad part of it all was that I seemed to be unable to put the book down! It was like I needed to know how obtuse and thick the characters seemed to appear even though I knew it! It was like sucking on a cavity, you know you want to stop but you're unable to do so.... Oh! Come on now!

A contended sigh.....

Receiving an email from the person you care about.... Accidentally finding money in your pants' pocket after what seems like ages... Counting the hours until you meet your love!... Watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S... Rewarding yourself with a nice calorific and fatty meal after loosing 5pounds in 13days [I think you can guess why this was mentioned!]... Dressing up and scorching-up the movies and with your best friend ....Munching on a bar of absolutely bitter dark chocolate and sighing with delight and pleasure or savoring up the huge piece of dark, black [definitely not burnt!] chocolate cake and not worrying about the weight you're definitely going to put on..... Watching "The Sound of Music" after 10years and experiencing nostalgia..... Boy! The list can go on and on and on... Yeeaaahhh these are the small things in life that makes a person happy......

Sadly a very tiny percentage of people actually understand and savor these moments before they realize how fast life passed them by.....

Man! I seriously wish I could escape... from where? I don't know..... to where? I still don't know..... To think that in this fast paced and strenuous life with the hustle and the bustle of the people in the world today there would be times where one would seldom crave a moment's peace, but when the feeling takes root, it's hard to let go and that's when you get skittish, restless and irritated and the will to escape gradually grows stronger and you've no idea where to run off to..... it's a wonder that sitting on the beach in silence and listening to the gentle sound of the rough waves crashing against the bed of sand could bring a state of tranquility and peacefulness that I have craved for! Difficult to believe that something so simple and serene could bring about a heavy change in the human body and the mind.... Trust me, it works..... Siggghhhhh.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Confused... what do I do now?

Have you ever felt so lost at times that you don't know what's the next step you're supposed to take or what you're supposed to do and on top of feeling lost and confused you start to worry about the decisions you make and if they are right? I mean you already DON'T know what to do and you're expected to take high-end choices in life.....
Right now I've no idea what to do.... what to say [What to even type] nor what to think..... I'm blank.... completely blank.... and I've been and felt blank for a long time.... at times wondering what am I doing with my life.... and if I'm gonna be a failure.... I mean what's the guarantee that I'm even gonna live tomorrow, so why worry too much over the things that you have no control over, right?
I love my life.. I definitely wouldn't switch it with anyone... I've been blessed with the world's best mom, boyfriend and best friends.... so does the feeling of being a failure crossed my mind and most of the times, stay there? yeah, I definitely have my share of craziness and embarrassments most of the times over which I land up laughing thinking about them now! But why am I so worried.... and I don't know worried what exactly I'm worried over! \

Sigh! Maybe one morning I might wake up and get my answer...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Depressed... then happy.. depressed again... and happy again... uuugghh!!! This constant change of my mood really bugs me!!! Yeah.. it's all a part of "growing up" and learning to keep a check on the emotions.. but this really bugs me big time...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm LIkE, whAAaaaa-?! (WTFFFF!!!!)

On the way to work... I'm like whaaaaaaaaaa--!!!! I notice a guy((not gay)) wearing HOT PINK PANTS!!!!!! HOOOTTTT PINKKK PAANNNTTSS!!!! He dazed me with his bright colors... in a sparkling sunny afternoon. No my eyes didn't deceive me!
UUGGGHHH!!!! Have pity on my eyes!!!! There's a logical explanation why I wear glasses! I don't need a reason to go more blind than I already am! Excuse me while I laugh my a** out please! Hot pink pants with an olive green t-shirt!!! yeaahh, I know.. interesting shade of colors! A definite eye catcher.. boy, does he really know how to catch the attention of the ladiesss! LMAO :D :D

Guyssssss!!!!! UGGGHHH!!!!!!! The most annoying and unsatisfied specimen on earth!!!! Never satisfied with anything!!!!!!! I get to know my friend and my ex are bitching behind my back! I'm like-whaaaaaaaaaa--!!!! And I mean HARDCORE bitching!!! I mean seriously.. both of ya'll GGEEETTT A LIIFFEE!!!! One doesn't know me((no wonder his lady love love left him! Wat a loser!!))... the other knows me and both are so braindead, groundless, baseless, bitter,and bored of their own life that they can't keep their noses out of others' lives! Maaannnnn!!! I so pity them both and laugh my head out when I look at them bitching about me!!!!! 'Coz I know I'll always be ten steps ahead of them! LMMAAAOOOO!!! :D :D

OMMMMGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On the way to work.... passing the bus stop, I see a muslim family.
In fact, I see a man holding a long thick rod((STOP! RIGHT! THERE! U PERVERTS!)) and threatening to beat up his family with the rod if they don't listen to him! I'm like-whaaaaaaaaaa--!!!! Two tiny boys and his wife covered from head to foot in their usual muslim garb!!! The kids frightened out of their wits, huddled up close to their mother, who was also frightened and leaning againt the pole!
Boy! Was I pissed! But funny thing is I know I can't interfere and help them, 'coz tis is bloody India not an Ameircan or European country!
Remind me again why can't we just eradicate the muslims of the world??!!!
Hitler should have exterminated the muslims rather than the Jews!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

FOUND YOU.......

Stuck with losers, surrounded by cheap desperate back biting guys((and here I thought females were famous this!)). A repetitive question constantly revolving around my mind, "ARE THERE ANY NICE GUYS OUT THERE??????" I mean all I've ever encountered were losers and the like!
Everywhere I go, they're present, talk dirty and disgusting about the female kind! Who died and made them creatures with superior knowledge and intellect to actually compartmentalize and make judgments? And how dare they categorize and label the female?
Weird isn't it, that the male can do anything his heart desires but if the female does it, it affects his masculinity and his ego! She is designated every single vulgar, uncouth word in the Oxford Dictionary! Common phrases: "DON'T TALK TO THIS GUY", "DON'T WEAR THIS OR THAT", "WHO IS THIS PERSON YOU'RE TALKING TO?", "WHO'S CELL PHONE NUMBER IS THIS?" the questions go on and on....... Funny thing is we aren't allowed to ask even a single question back at them. Yeahhh... this WAS my conceived notion about males((including my ex)) in general.
Wished and wondered and most importantly HOPEEEEDDDDD if there was a guy somewhere out there who'd defy my
conception of the typical male.

Just when I decided to give up hope,
in the midst of all, I found him!
THE man who made me "screw the rest of the world"<*quoting advise put forth by a friend of mine*> throw caution to the wind and take a chance at happiness that I never realized I'd given up for another. Happiness doesn't begin to describe what I feel about him((blushing right now!))! He makes me feel like the most happiest girl on earth, even thinking about him brings a smile to my face ((like right now! :P)) Basically he makes me feel
good about myself and everything that I've never felt before! Funnily he's a good friend of mine . Guess I've always loved him for a long time but on a different level! Talk about a paradoxical situation!!!!
The person I've always wanted, funny, kind (*yeah, the usual cliched phrase :P!*) and did I mention cute?
Boy is he soooo cute or what!!!! Omg! He definitely is completely different from the usual stereotypical losers that I've had the unfortunate displeasure of meeting and associating with!

Best part is: he's in love with meeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm glad I found you and even more glad I came back...... only, to get you!
I love you...........