Saturday, June 14, 2008

To believe guys when they say "I love you... "or not?

How do I know if the guy is true when he tells me he likes me? How do I know that he's not playing...? What if he's true in the starting but towards the end lands up playing with my heart?
What if he really does love me? too many questions but there is just one answer: take a chance.
There's this girl I know A, who completely loves this guy B, B says he loves A sooo much and all is fine in the starting of their relationship, but things start going downhill for them and A starts becoming too nagging and B starts looking at other gals and having "wierd" thoughts about other girls and crushes as well... A comes to know and.. naturally gets heartbroken... They break up for about a month and B returns to A pleading her to give him another chance.. Now I told A to chuck B outta your life because no guy in this world can ever change... They can only be changed when they are in their diapers, for 4-5 months B chases A and does things to get her trust back and finally A goes back to him, she says she loves him and feels he has changed.. During the time of their break-up , B's friends all go against him and bad mouth him to A... why?? He considered them friends... but they betrayed him. Since A loved B so much, she decided to stick by him. 2months have passed but A keeps having doubts that B cannot be trusted though she has started trusting him, adding fuel to fire, another of B's friend bad mouths him to her and they have a huge fight... B swears nothing's happened but A is very confused...
What I think is that A should either give B up completely and move on or learn to trust him in spite of everything they have gone through in the past...
What do you think both of them should do???
Which brings me back to my main question :Is he serious about her or not...???
Guys!!!!! Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ramesh Kumar said...

A day today happening and a typical example of a misunderstanding situation concluded yet with confusion and well expressed from a girl's point of view though it is applicable to both gender.It was nice stopping by ur Article Sara.

Anonymous said...

Maybe A and B should both explode outward at the speed of light, nullifying all existence. There... problem solved!! There's an easy solution to everything!!!

Anonymous said...

Ahem Ahem
I for one wil def support A
But I somehow feel dt one last tym A can 4get al issues n start new... cos at d end of d day A knos pretty wel dt A is def in love wid B
But if B spoils dis last resort den das it...
A better move on... Cos A can stil do loads of wonders

Unknown said...

y do i think i heard of this thing before!
wat i think is both A and B should get a life! they're supposed to be adults but both act like they're 7.
now if A really truly loves B, then i'd say that A shud give B a chance and forget watever happened and start anew!
now there is absolutely no way to kno if a guy realy says wat he means to say. the only thing u can actually do is TRUST him!
frm wat u said, A and B do not trust each other...

anusha said...

ummm........ B knows that A doesnt trust him ..... n B also knows its his fault ... i think A deserves a person whom she can trust ..... if she's not abl 2 trust B .... then it makes no sense to go forward with th relationship .... there's no need 4 this confusion at al ... its al up2 A now.... can she trust B ???? think A think .... lettin go of wat B's frnds told abt him ..... but A has to think on her own now.... can she or can she not trust B ???

anusha said...

n ya mimi .... i cant view ur blog !! is it private ??

whatever we want said...

(a+b)sq= a sq +b sq +2ab